
Susi Steiner, Development Management

Susi Steiner has a career focused on “Keeping a Love of Learning Alive” for all people.  She recognized the role technology could play to enhance learning and joined Microsoft early in her career where she worked with Bay Area Universities and K-12 districts. Later, as part of the Stanford University WorkLife Department, she was Director of an afterschool-enrichment program for K-4 children and families with a curriculum of science, outdoor education and Social Emotional Learning (SEL). Her experience with non-profits includes Edutopia, Galileo Learning and National Charity League where she partnered with her two daughters, now young adults, to work with over 20 non-profit organizations.  She earned a BS in Sociology from Santa Clara University, a Masters of Education, Educational Technology, a Cal State Teaching Credential and certification in Positive Discipline for Parenting and Classrooms. Nurturing the garden, playing tennis and photography are favorite hobbies.