Play the SAfG Coding Board Game!
Objects of the game:
Develop a series of code block instructions that lead the character from the home space to the target space.
Create some intentionally “bugged” coding sequences for the character that do not lead her to the target space. Challenge your partner to debug these sequences so that the character can find her way to the target space.
Decorate the game to make it your own
Print & Play
To print, click on the images. Select one of the two game boards in tabloid format (17x11) and the game pieces below. We recommend the letter-based board for lower level elementary.
Print and cut out all game pieces: 1. code blocks and code block holder, 2. code bug obstacles, 3. homespace, 4. targetspace, 5. character GiGi
Fold the code block holder into a three dimensional shape to later place the code block sequences unto.
Use any recycled bottle caps or other similar items as a base upon which you can tape the “code bug obstacles” or any other of the game pieces such as the “character”.
Use a plastic baggie to keep all game pieces in one place when you are done.
Randomly place the homespace (start) and targetspace (finish) in fields on the game board.
Place the character GiGi in the homespace.
GiGi requires a code block for each move from one field to the next. You may use one of the code blocks with a multiplier if you want her to move across several fields in the same direction.
Put together a code block sequence that guides GiGi to the targetspace. To do this you need to figure out in what direction(s) and by how many fields she needs to move to get to the targetspace.
Line up the code blocks needed on the folded coding block holder.
Make your code sequence more challenging by adding code bug obstacles between the home space and the target space.
Add a competitive twist by playing with a partner and find out who can code the fastest without any bugs.