Breaking Barriers: Women in Tech Share Secrets to Success


This session, Scientific Adventures for Girls (SAfG) is bringing “Everyday Adventures in Technology” to the 850 girls we serve in 23 elementary schools. In a quest to empower the next generation of girls, we reached out to women in tech who served as Role Models for SAfG classes over the past couple of years. The women offered a wealth of guidance and encouragement for girls looking to embark on their own journeys in tech. 

Their diverse perspectives, drawn from a range of roles and backgrounds within technology-related fields, shed light on the skills, qualities, and strategies instrumental to their success. From cultivating critical thinking to fostering curiosity and  honing technical skills to mastering communication and teamwork, their collective insights inspire young girls to make their mark in the world of technology.

The paths these women took to pursue tech careers are as diverse as they are enlightening. For some, the desire to contribute to environmental sustainability and unravel the mysteries of the world through engineering was the driving force. Others were influenced by family members who pursued careers in STEM fields after finding the courage to follow their passions. For many, it was the challenge and curiosity fostered by STEM classes or guided by teachers that  sparked their interest. 

Role Models and Mentors were Influential

Role models, both historical figures like Marie Curie and personal mentors like teachers, played a significant role in shaping our volunteers’ aspirations. Some professionals stumbled into technology roles by chance, only to discover a fast-paced environment ripe with opportunities for growth and collaboration, while others were drawn in by a lifelong fascination with science and the desire to combat diseases through biotechnology and pharmaceuticals. In each journey, curiosity, inspiration, and a love for problem-solving are evident, illustrating the many paths that can lead women to successful careers in technology.

Reflecting on their own experiences, these women offer valuable advice for preparing for a career in the field of technology. They: 

  • Emphasize the importance of confidence and assertiveness, urging their past selves not to hesitate to ask questions, share knowledge, or speak up.

  • Encourage exploration and personal projects to discover areas of passion within technology and stress the value of being resourceful and seeking help when needed. Setting personal goals and measuring success on one's own terms, rather than comparing oneself to others. 

  • Suggest actively seeking out opportunities for learning and job shadowing to get exposed to different applications of science and technology. 

  • Recommend leveraging resources like online learning platforms as a valuable tool for self-education. 

  • Seeking out mentors and role models and mentorship opportunities early on in one's academic or professional journey. 

Overall, the recurring theme is to trust one's instincts, pursue interests passionately, and not be afraid to seek guidance and speak up along the way

Key lessons learned to share

These women have navigated challenges and stereotypes within the tech industry through various strategies and support systems.


  • Many emphasize the importance of mentorship, suggesting that girls seek out mentors who share their identity or are in roles that inspire them. 

  • They advocate for involvement in women in technology groups and maintaining relationships with supportive communities. 

  • Some stress the significance of letting one's authentic self shine and advocating for others.

  • Others highlight the value of continuously learning and staying current with emerging technologies. 

Building a support system of teachers, friends, and family is considered essential for overcoming obstacles, as is the determination to consistently deliver top-notch performance regardless of others’ biases. Fostering a collaborative mindset, finding common ground with colleagues, and reframing failure as a learning opportunity are also seen as empowering approaches. 

In summary, these women encourage girls to believe in themselves, connect with others, and persistently pursue their goals in the face of adversity.

What are the most important skills? 

Finally, the last question asked was about the skills and qualities instrumental to their success. Key among these is critical thinking, which encourages girls to take their time to analyze problems thoroughly and explore connections between different fields. Listening skills were also emphasized, both in understanding the needs of managers and team members and in advocating for yourself and others. 

Communication, teamwork, and programming skills are considered essential attributes, with the women recommending that girls pursue personal projects and extracurricular activities to develop practical skills and teamwork abilities early on. Curiosity is celebrated for driving innovation and keeping a sense of wonder, while problem-solving and analytical thinking skills are underscored as foundational for navigating complex challenges in tech roles. 

Soft skills such as negotiation, collaboration, and presentation skills were highlighted as critical for success, along with imagination, creativity, and organization in problem-solving and decision-making. 

Ultimately, the message is clear: Cultivating a diverse set of skills, from technical proficiency to interpersonal communication, is the best way to excel in the tech industry. Starting early with practice and exploration sets girls on the path to success.

With determination, resilience, and the unwavering support of a united community that will champion their potential, the future belongs to the girls who dare to dream and the women who pave the way. Join me, and Scientific Adventures for Girls, on this journey! Together, let’s inspire, uplift, and empower the next generation of STEM  trailblazers to boldly shape the future of technology and beyond.

- Courtenay Carr Heuer, Executive Director and Cofounder

Giselle Escajeda